Monday, May 29, 2017



Anyone who is starting the weight loss journey  will most likely go to the internet to read about what this journey entails, which is a good start. However the internet is littered with thousands of articles to do with weight loss, some with good information and others with lots and lots of myths. For a beginner all this might be overwhelming and they might choose to follow some of these myths and eventually not reach their goals. These myths may have been traded long enough and most of them might appear as the reality but this is not so. In this article we are going to debunk some of these myths while giving the facts.
while there are thousands of myths sorrounding the weight loss journey, we are going to tackle 5 of the most common ones and hopefully they'll help someone who has been fed with misleading information.

1. Starving yourself and skipping meals will help you loose weight
skipping meals is not only unhealthy but it also slows down your metabolism, leading to storage of fat, hence weight gain. The best way to keep your metabolism up is eating all your meals in small, healthy portions, that way your body will not go in to starvation mode. Reducing the amount of calories you put in your body and exercising to burn more calories than you eat, will keep your weight in check.
From my personal training experience, crash diets are not sustainable in the long haul. This because this kind of diet is not easy to follow through for the rest of your life, hence hard to maintain. furthermore, most diets focus on some types of foods while leaving out others and could limit or leave out some essential nutrients in some foods. This can lead to cravings and result to over eating which means more calories and eventual, weight gain.

2. Snacking makes you gain weight.
On the contrary, snacking is very good for you. what matters is what you are snacking on and in what quantities. For instance, if you want to snack a few hours after breakfast , you can reach for an apple as opposed to a cookie. Over time, your snack choice is what will determine if you will gain weight or not.

3. Aerobic exercises are better than weight lifting
when most people want to loose weight, the first method of exercising they go for is jogging, brisk/walking. This is because it's the easiest way of working out without use of any equipment, going to the gym or needing any assistance. However, what most people don't know is that, once you stop the jogging, skipping or walking, the body stops burning energy. This means that the body can only burn energy during aerobic exercises, when performing them.
on the flip-side, strength training can burn twice the calories that aerobics can. This is because after strength training, the body keeps the metabolism on the peak, hours after the workout. Furthermore, strength training has an added advantage, it helps the body to gain muscle.

4. Sit ups and crunches will help you loose belly fat

Everyone on the weight loss or fitness journey wants to have a flat belly. The quest to have abs is the most chased after fitness goal, probably because most people see it as the first indicator of one's fitness levels. This probably the reason why most people will rush to do countless sit ups and crunches on a quest to eliminate this belly fat. However, that's not the case.  The body decides on how it distributes fat cells and we have no control over that. This means that when the body is forced to use up the stored fat by increasing it's metabolism through exercise, it decides where to start taking the fat deposits from.  If the body decides where to take the fats from first, this means we have to stick to a fat loss exercise program long enough till the body starts taking the fats from the areas we desire. Bottom line is, spot-reduction is not possible and sit ups and crunches will only make your core stronger but not burn fat. stick to a full body exercise program.

5. Weight loss happens in one smooth linear process
Weight loss is not one smooth/straight process unlike what we may think. It is a process that involves fluctuations from time to time. you may loose weight but add a kilogram or two in the and this should not cause anyone to feel frustrated or discouraged when going through the weight loss journey.
This may happen because of various reasons but mostly its caused by the increase in water weight in the body especially during the menstrual cycle for women or you might be holding on to more food in the digestive system. This should not cause alarm because if you maintain a comprehensive workout program, you will see results.
Bottom line is, there is so much information both published and and/or shared by the people around that is very misleading of half true. Before you start your fitness journey, do your research in the right places, read reliable material and consult a fitness professional. That way, you will be assured of getting the right information.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

PERSONAL TRAINING TIPS: How to get back your motivation

          As a personal trainer, I come across a lot of people who struggle with the daily motivation to workout or just to keep up with their fitness plan. This is not something new because it happens to all of us. Even the most seasoned fitness experts have spoken about  such days. Luckily, there are various ways a person can use to get back their motivation.

The good news is, There is no one specific way of trying to get back to your fitness plan once you've been out of your fitness program for a while, because people are different and preferences vary from person to person.
The purpose of this article is to consolidate and explore the different techniques used to regain motivation and get back on the fitness journey.

 1. Find the workouts that you enjoy doing
In fitness People's preferences are very different and that's why it's important to go something that you can Enjoy and that works for you. Just because it's being done by someone else  doesn't mean it will work for you.

2. Get a training partner
Some people love training on their own but others prefer to have someone who will encourage, push or challenge them. Whichever the case, if a workout partner will be able to give you that nudge, go for it.                                

3. Schedule your workout at a time that works consistently well for you.
The timings you set aside for your workouts do really contribute a lot towards how much you will put into it. some people like working out first thing in the morning in order to kick start their day, others like to do it as the last thing after a long day to help them to refresh. find out what time works best for you.

4. Have both short term and long term goals
Goals, goals goals! For anyone who is serious with their fitness, Setting goals, both long and short term should be a priority. They help you have targets that you can work towards. Like I mentioned in the first article Know your numbers; Tips learnt through personal training, you can only work with what you know.

5.Have patience with the process
Fitness is not a fad or a trend, it's a lifestyle. Be patient with the process because you have a whole lifetime ahead of you. Be patient, take it a day at a time.
6. Create a lifestyle that you can sustain as opposed to quick fixes
A lot of people fall off the fitness band wagon because they take on ways that are not sustainable in the long run. Fad diets are not, look for a regimen that is workable for the long haul.

7. Change your mind set. 
A workout is not a punishment hence you should incorporate it into your everyday life. it'll stop feeling good if it's seen as a punishment as opposed to a benefit to your body and overall health. change your mindset and enjoy the results.

8.Surround does yourself with like-minded people who will motivate you
Surrounding yourself with people who take fitness seriously is a plus if you want to get back your motivation. They'll act as positive influences especially on the lazy days. In extension, we are who we surround ourselves with.

9. Try doing some things differently   
If you have been doing the same thing over a long period of time, it can get a tad monotonous. Try something different, a different location ie. outdoors if you are used to the gym,  a different kind of routine and maybe even add something more challenging. All these things will bring more energy and motivation.

          These are some of the tips that helped me when I started my fitness journey and still work for me even in my personal training career, and especially when I feel like I'm starting to loose morale to workout. Try either of them and you will always have a way to jump back into your plan whenever motivation tries to slip away.

Friday, January 20, 2017



When it comes to fitness and numbers, the first thing that comes to peoples mind is what’s on the weighing scale. Well, not to say that that’s not a way to keep track of your fitness, but with my training and experience in personal training, I've learnt that it’s not the conclusive determinant of one’s fitness level. This is because body weight alone is not a clear determinant of kilos that come from body fat and those that come from muscle.
personal training tips

Understanding your numbers is a very important step in the fitness journey not just because it will let you in on how you are progressing but it’s also a good way of knowing what your goals should be in fitness, hence a better fitness plan. 

Early measurement and knowledge of your numbers will improve your health and at the same time determine early risks. This is because numbers are what we use to measure, track and evaluate progress. Most people will only consider taking the weight measurements which isn’t the overall determinant of your fitness level. This means, there is much more to fitness beyond the weighing scale. Knowing your numbers is a good way of keeping up with your body’s progress while also ensuring that you are at your best health-wise. This, in most instances, will help to keep many lifestyle diseases at bay.

An ideal number plan should consist of the following;1.Waist to hip ratio (WHR)This is the ratio of the circumference of your waist in relation to that of your hips. Your waist to hip ratio helps to estimate the fat distribution in the body. Research shows that people with more weight around the waist have higher health risks than those with more weight around the hips.

2. Body Mass Index (BMI)

 Body mass index is the measurement of weight in relation to your height. A healthy BMI is 18.5-24.9, unhealthy BMI is 25-30, and obese is 30 and higher. Therefore, getting these numbers will help one to know where they should be health wise. However. measuring your BMI isn't a conclusive method of determining your fitness levels.

3. Blood pressureBlood pressure readings include systolic and diastolic pressures. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood. Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure when the heart is at rest between beats. Blood pressure numbers are usually written with the systolic number above or before the diastolic. Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80. Knowing these numbers helps to detect hypertension and high blood pressure early.

4. Body fatThis gives you a clearer picture of the different changes taking place in your body and what they really mean. You are able to determine if the weight you are loosing is coming from the lean mass/ muscle or if it’s the body fat.

There are many other tests in the fitness industry that are given depending on what the goals of a particular person are. However, these are the basic ones taken when one needs to track progress.

During my personal training sessions. I always inform my clients that these are very important measurements for someone who is serious about their fitness and well-being. When you know your numbers, your fitness goals are already established and you know that you are working towards a particular goal. Furthermore, you can only keep tabs of what you know.  These measurements can be taken by a certified personal/fitness  trainer or a health professional. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

personal training for fitness: Welcome to stellar fitness.

This being my debut post, I prefer to begin with the basics and also explain why i started this blog and why i got into personal training. I will be sharing information relevant to fitness, giving you a few tips I have learned along the way, strategies and the in-between that comes with experience. My knowledge comes from having being down this road and eventually deciding to do something about it. This blog is the child of my life experience and education to become a personal trainer. by sharing this information, I'll help others realize their dream of fitness and health. This is my new life goal.

Before I get ahead of myself, there is one important point I cannot lay enough emphasis on. This blog is not about the latest fitness fads, or the quick fixes or about the latest fitness trend in town. This will not be about what you can do for a short period of time to get into shape. Your doctor may have recommended you start living a healthy lifestyle and so you have turned to this article. But no, this is not why we are here. Through my life experience and my career in personal training, I can confidently saY that  Fitness is a lifestyle that you incorporate into your daily routine. It is a steady and sustained routine that leaves you looking and feeling your best every day. 

The biggest question on every beginner’s mind is “Where do I start? While this is a challenge for most, this is an area where I excel and offer coaching and training in. With training tips, exercises and a healthy lifestyle, we will discover your strengths, weaknesses and tailor a program that works for those who may need personal training services. The by-product of this will be you feeling and seeing amazing results. You just have to start doing something about it. Next time I'll let you in on where to begin. Welcome to the fit side of life!

DEBUNKING THE WEIGHT LOSS MYTHS      TIPS FROM PERSONAL TRAINING EXPERIENCE Anyone who is starting the weight loss journey  will most...